I have lived a life full of blessings. I was born in a common family with well-established beliefs and paradigms, with rules, personal limitations and a little control in living together; in addition to a difficult and contradictory socio-cultural life. I lived in a Socialist social environment in the country where I was born (Cuba) and somehow I had a certain knowledge and approach to the religion taught by my mother that gave a little balance to my growth.
I had a happy and calm childhood, but as I developed, questions, disagreements, and dissatisfactions began to flourish in my restless mind. Having no answers, they led me to seek God in the Catholic Religion, where I received all the sacraments and took the blessing of my marriage and the family I formed. But my essence somehow kept screaming and questioning.
My SELF did not understand how that God to whom I had been introduced could judge, punish, repress, question and in the end forgive or not to send you to a destination in Hell or a prize in Paradise.
I emigrated to another country where I live for many years and here I found a bit of personal freedom, a stable and beautiful life with many gifts and blessings, growth and fulfillment, trips with a cultural sense and quality time with my family, but in the end it was always search for something Higher and Pure. Until one day I began to find the HIDDEN TRUTH of social systems. I discovered past events of domination, cruelty, pedophilia, manipulation that happened for thousands of years and that even today in the shadows of the Light continue to happen and that's where I broke. He did not understand so much evil, so much horror in the men of Earth. I cried until I fainted and asked to die until one day when I begged and in a loving way in my dreams Mother Maria and Sananda (by then Risen Jesus) held out their hand to me and I felt that I would be taken care of.
That's where my awakening process began. Surprisingly, information from the Universe began to reach me (new to me), knowledge and a network of Beings that little by little brought clarity to my questions and my heart resonated completely with them.
I prepared myself by reading the Akashic Records where I could begin to ask: Who was I?, What was I born for?, What was my purpose and more, but fears, doubts and guilt hindered extraordinary information that I would find in the future.
There I met my Father-Mother Nebadon (by then). I began to feel and in the inner work that began many tears wet my eyes, much anxiety expanded my heart and doubt and uncertainty occupied all the spaces of my days. Little by little I began to experience a beautiful feeling that was balm for me; it no longer mattered much who he was; he just wanted to feel the most beautiful love he had ever felt. My SELF was waking up, the essence that screamed for years began to remove layers of clothing that covered the Light of my BEING and I began to let myself go, to feel, just to feel. My Father-Mother introduced himself: I AM NEBADON and there began an internal, difficult, intense process for my Being. I was totally dedicated to listening, to learning, to feeling the guidance of my Creator; of that God who was no longer distorted. It was the Spirit that lived in me, in my own mind, in the purest place of my heart. I learned to listen, I learned to take responsibility for my thoughts, my actions, I learned to forgive and forgive myself and the moment of Peace arrived. Calm invaded my Being and the fears that for centuries inhabited my cells I began to work and dissolve. My Father-Mother was helping me heal. Without realizing it, I surrendered to him and the noisy space of my mind and heart became a sacred space of Love, Peace, Surrender, Re-education, and Understanding. (all capitalized). There in the silence (I still have noises) Nebadon began to hold me, to hug me and I discovered the most SUBLIME Love that I ever imagined experiencing.
MIKHA, as he asked me to call him for being his daughter and co-heir, is the support of my heart, he is the embrace of my Soul, He is the Light of my BEING. He is a PRESENT, LIVING, PERSONAL Father. Installed is your Light in my Heart!!!
This is my experience with the Creator Father, NEVER GOD!!! and I thank the beings who have been part and still accompany my awakening.
If you are in search, in recognition, in awakening, I tell you that doubts do not matter, fears do not matter, abilities or talents you may have do not matter. Speak to the Father, to your Creator. it is Pure Divine Love, it is Mentor, it is Relief, it is Reason. For me it is LIFE My Father-Mother Mikhael. IT IS THE SUN IN MY HEART!!!