The Universe of Nebadon (our Local Universe) is part of the Superuniverse or Original Source of Orvonton whose Capital is Uversa. The Orvonton Superuniverse is made up of 7 Evolved Universes. Divine Creation has no beginning or end so we will focus on Our Local Universe where the Human Mind reaches for understanding.
In the Orvonton Superuniverse is the Central Universe of Havona. This Orvonton Superuniverse is part of 7 Superuniverses that make up the Omniverse. All Superuniverses, Universes, and Planets are OVOID-shaped and created using Gravitational Template 7, 9, or 21. Gravitational Template 7 is used to create the Superuniverses, Template 9 is used to create the planets, and Template 21 is used to create the Superuniverses. used to create the Dimensions. These templates are used to also create different Humanoid or Non-Humanoid Races according to their DNA and mission in the Universe.
At the center of the Orvonton Superuniverse is the Central Island of Paradise called HAVONA. It is stationary and it is the center where THE INFINITY AND MAGNIFICENCE OF THE ABSOLUTE FATHER OR UNIVERSAL FATHER lives. In the Paradise where our Original Source lives, neither time nor space exists; everything is Absolute. The Divine Father as well as his Superuniverses are PERFECT, DIVINE, SPIRITUAL, MENTAL OR PERSONAL, SOVEREIGN, FULL OF BEAUTY AND TRUTH, MANIFEST IN THEMSELVES THE PERFECTION AND ATTRIBUTES OF THE ABSOLUTE FATHER AND OF THE ORIGINAL CREATIVE SOURCE OF THE OMNIVERSE.
The Orvonton Superuniverse is made up of 7 local Universes administered by 7 Creator Sons who are Created Sons of the Absolute Father. One of those Local Universes is ours, where we live and evolve. THE LOCAL UNIVERSE OF NEBADON exactly the same and with the same attributes as all the Superuniverses and the Creative Source.
Our Local Universe is administered by our ABSOLUTE AND SOVEREIGN Father-Mother Creator MIKHAEL OF NEBADON (611-121). Our Universe is designed like the Original Source and all the Superuniverses in an OVOID shape; the Local Source in its center and surrounded by 7 STAR SYSTEMS or 7 GALAXIES.
The Nebadon Source sustains and administers all 7 Galaxies and also guides the Evolutionary Plan of their Races (Created Sons). In one of its 7 Galaxies we find ourselves in the GALAXY OF THE MILKY WAY. This Galaxy is Decimal, that is, 1 among 10 Galaxies in the Superuniverse. In the Planets or Decimal Galaxies is where all the new Projects and Divine Plans of the Superuniverses and Universes are installed and tested. The Milky Way being decimal is still proving the SPHERICAL DESIGN of the Planets just like other decimal Galaxies do; the rest of the Non-decimal Galaxies are Ovoid in shape as well as their planets. This Galaxy created with the same Gravitational Template holds 9 Planets that revolve around the same Sun (nucleus of Energies that emanates frequency particles). This Sun is called the CENTRAL SUN OF THE GALAXY. It is a fractal of our SUN OR CREATOR MIKHAEL OF NEBADON. "Yes" our Creator is a Sun); your body is an ATOM as we said before, it is a nucleus made up of Protons, Electrons and Neutrons that emanates energy particles of 12 Rays of Frequencies, it is INDIVIDUAL, CONSCIOUS AND ABSOLUTE AS ITS CREATIVE SOURCE. OUR CREATOR FATHER IS A SUN.
The 9 planets that revolve around our Central Sun in the Nebadon Local Universe are: URANUS, VENUS, MARS, EARTH, JUPITER, SATURN, NEPTUNE, MERCURY AND PLUTO. On each planet there are different Dimensions and Mikhaelian Races with different bio-molecular characteristics, their DNA and realities depending on their mission, task or evolutionary stage in which they are managed and guided by our Creator Mikhael.
We inhabit planet Earth (ORIGINALLY CALLED PLANET URANTIA). It is a terrestrial planet, small and rocky. The atmosphere is perfectly prepared to maintain the warm temperature of the planet so that its living beings like us can live in it. It holds water in 3 different states, it has a wealth of basic chemical elements, it has a protective magnetic field, 3/4 of the planet is made of water, it has a beautiful structure full of mountains, volcanoes, crystals, plants, trees and many species. and IT IS A LIVING PLANET, SUSTAINED AND CARED FOR BY A FRACTAL LIVING BEING OF THE FEMININE ENERGY OF OUR CREATOR MIKHAEL. THE COSMIC MOTHER (Gaia) SUPPORTS US AND TAKES CARE OF US.
The Earth is the perfect habitat for which Races from other places in the Universe settle down to live, experience and evolve their own DNA and help in the Divine Plan of the Creator perfecting other Races. The Earth was created at the request of Mikhael our Creator to establish the Divine Evolutionary Plan of the MIKHAELIC DNA. We, your Created Children, contain a Divine DNA with different characteristics according to Races and Species, but every Created Being in our Universe contains in our DNA a code called KADISTU that makes us beings of Unconditional Love exactly equal to that of our Creator. We came to evolve this DNA created for the Earth and activate the kADISTU code that will make us MIKHAELICS as our Father-Mother Creator. ALL THE BEINGS THAT INHABIT THE PLANET EARTH ARE COSMIC OR STAR BEINGS INCARNATED FROM ALL THE STAR SYSTEMS OF THE SUPERUNIVERSE.
For centuries we have inhabited this planet Earth, beings from other Star Systems who are all Mikhaelian Created Sons from the founding Races, The Mother Races up to this point where we find ourselves today. We are in the last evolutionary stage on Earth about to activate the KADISTU code in our DNA, carrying out the Divine Evolutionary Plan created by Mikhael, the evolution and activation of the next Evolved MIKHAELICA RACE and thus rise in frequencies and take another leap. in the evolution of our Universe.
