Our Solar System is located in the decimal Galaxy of the MILKY WAY, one of the 10 Galaxies that form our Local Universe of Nebadon. Our Solar System like all Solar Systems in the Superuniverses has 9 Planets that revolve around a Central Sun. Our Galaxy is decimal and is testing a new Planetary Design so our planets are SPHERICAL in shape. In Non-Decimal Galaxies their Solar Systems and Planets are OVOID shaped. One of every 10 Planets in our Galaxy is also decimal with a different project for our Universe. Our Central SUN is surrounded by the Planets: URANUS, VENUS, MARS, EARTH, JUPITER, SATURNO, NEPTUNE, MERCURY AND PLUTO. OUR CENTRAL SUN OF THE MILKY WAY GALAXY AND THE 9 PLANETS THAT SURROUND IT HAVE A SPHERICAL SHAPE!!! Let's start with our SUN!!! THE CENTRAL SUN OF OUR GALAXY IS A FRACTAL OR MINI COPY OF OUR CREATOR MIKHAEL WHO IS ALSO A SUN. His celestial body is called ATOM which means SUN. It is a nucleus of Energies (Protons, Electrons and Neutrons) that radiates particles of 12 Frequencies of the Original Source that Mikhael contains in its entirety. Our Creator (SOURCE SUN) is INDIVIDUAL, ABSOLUTE AND SOVEREIGN of our Local Universe. He Designs, Creates and Guides our Universe and all its Races that inhabit it. He is a CONSCIOUS BEING OF PURE LOVE, HE IS WISDOM, UNDERSTANDING, PATIENCE, HE IS A FATHER AND MENTOR, HE IS PERSONAL IN OUR HEART, HE IS CLOSE AND WARM, HE IS THAT: "A SUN". When fractalizing in the CENTRAL SUN OF THE GALAXY, it copies itself with all its Attributes being Individual and with its mission in the Solar System. The SUN is always in motion, it is the only STAR in the Solar System, it is the closest star to Earth and the Star with the most apparent and proper brightness. It is composed of Hydrogen and Helium at enormous temperatures in the state of Plasma. (The Plasma are the NEBULOSES). ITS LIGHT GIVES LIFE, HEAT AND KEEPS THE SOLAR SYSTEM UNITED. The SUN bathes Planet Earth with its Light and Heat, it is our Source of Life. In its nucleus, reactions between Hydrogen and Helium take place, generating Energy. The Photons, which are particles of Light, carry that Energy from its nucleus to the surface, forming the MAGNETISM OF THE SUN, which radiates towards the 7 Planets that surround it, being the Source of Life, Heat and Support for all of them. THE SURFACE OF THE SUN IS COLD AND HABITABLE!!! Mikhael our Creator from the Source installs the program to the Suns and their 9 Planets that surround them forming the Solar System. THE DIVINE PLAN in which we are evolving now is originated by the Creator Mikhael in the Local Source and directed to the Central Sun of the Galaxy and from there to the Planets where the different Created Races live to install and evolve it; evolving in turn and all the Universes and Superuniverses are worth the round. The Sun supports the 9 Planets from its MAGNETISM and has a high FORCE OF GRAVITY. The SUN has an electromagnetic field that interacts with the electromagnetic field of the Planets around it. The SUN is in constant movement and transformation as well as all the Planets. MIKHAEL OF NEBADON AND HALIETYS!!!
Updated: Aug 7, 2022